Pond 12 - 2015
Donald Trump. There, I did it. I befouled a perfectly pure literary site with crass political opportunism simply to boost search results on the off chance someone googles Trump and carp. Before you decide to never lay eyes on StC again, look inward ye wordsmith of thoughts divine. How many times have you sliced the ends off your perfect short story roast to fit it into the word limit pan of a publication? (Ouch, that’s a stretch.) How many times have you adjusted your pristine opus to suit a publication’s theme? If you said, No, Never, How Dare I, get off your high horse. In the real world you often, no, usually have to do things that seem beneath you to obtain a goal. As long as nobody gets hurt, IMHO it’s okay. So, rip up your parchment, throw away your quill, and grab some crayons and cardboard like the rest of us, and write adapt write adapt write.
And don’t forget to check out the Classifieds, think about Supporting StC, and view the latest pic in the Carpwork Gallery. - Ken, Editor |
P O E M Paul Hostovsky’s Ambivalence is a great example of a concept poem, where word choice directly illustrates a thought as well as conveys meaning, in this case love as it often is, versus how it’s often imagined to be.
F L A S H Fate, by Rebecca Gleason, is a perfect little love flash. Get in, make your point, get out.
S H O R T S T O R Y I’m pleased to feature William DeGeest’s first published piece. Unlike so many short stories (my own included) Never Lost But Found is a happy piece, about childhood and a child’s love of her father.
AUTHOR PROFILE - Laura Eppinger Not only is Laura Eppinger a talented young writer, but she also has that young person’s vim and vigor for life and applies it outwardly to help better the world. Combine that with the fact that she loves Bjork and went to the same school as Chris Farley...how could I NOT feature her in an Author Profile.
P O E M Gary Beck’s lament, entitled Lost Search, reminds us that rhyming poems can be every bit as expressive as so-called ‘post-modern’ poems.
P O E M Revisionist, by Dana Beardsley Crotwell, really packs a punch: lyricism, a hint of humor, social commentary, and truth all in thirteen lines.
S H O R T S T O R Y Andrew Hogan’s The Transcript is one of the funniest pieces I’ve had the pleasure to review. I imagine it coming straight out of Rushmore. And like all great humor, there’s a kernel of truth in it.
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