A Swingset In Your Heart for
Jasmine S.
on a branch of a tree made from neck ties in a field glowing with Chicago greenlights Then- Dress up like a Christmas sleepover and have everything you say turned into songs broadcast over radio You make hit records and handbooks for lovers all at once. Take off your red earrings and fake fingernails in a bath of cream Become a slippery taste, a cold, light, waxy feel like the roof of your mouth when eating washed grapes. Break in twain and tell a secret to your twin Have her sit above the table while you sit below. She will dare you to whistle at boys working on the houses across the river. when you do they will turn to songbirds and sing back, and blow you kisses. Grow a little chinatown on your left shoulder and watch the paper dragons and sweet firecracker candy bring the lucky new year. And when you have become the baby doll with antique shop dreams and lips the color of a return to madness You will build up a swingset in your heart and boys with elevator eyes will bring you all the greenlights, candy, books, records, neckties. Dana
Jerman has
published numerous poetry and flash fiction in the USA and abroad. She
currently lives in Chicago with her husband Don Hall and enjoys playing
in two separate rock bands. Keep up with her lit once a month here: |