- Carla Barger The sun shot
your belt buckle Like a BB
pellet pinging Old man
Peters’ shed down the way You called to
the dogs Get it!
Get that damn rabbit! My hands were
shackled in shakes The barrel
against my chest Heavy as a
tractor engine And you
roared just as loud Pull the
damn trigger! So I did The bullet
skimmed The banks of
the weed-choked creek And nothing
else. You walked
away. You’re still
walking. Carla
Barger holds an MFA from the School
of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her poetry has appeared in several
journals as well as two photography books titled Objet d'Art and Metal.
She has
also written for gallery catalogs and other art-related publications.
currently works as a freelance writer and editor in Chicago. carlabarger.wordpress.com
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