Pond 17 - 2016
Submissions are open
My goodness it’s already March, and loving Spring and brutal Winter are taking turns being in the air, bless their globally warmed hearts. The poetry contest is in full swing, though there has been some confusion. Just to reiterate, entries should be about the provided artwork of Ms. Darrow, not about any other work.
Starting this issue I will be adding a Feedback form at the bottom of each featured author’s page who has requested it. I charge the author a small fee for this option, so please use it to send them any feedback you have, even if it’s a simple ‘Great Job’. Finally, I’d like to point you to the new images by Robin Mizell in the Carpwork Gallery, now on its own page. Enjoy! - Ken |
F L A S H Brett Stuckel’s ‘Baritone Nose’ is the exact kind of bizarre yet poignant character sketch I love. And the fact that Jazz is the backdrop makes it even more endearing.
S H O R T S T O R Y ‘The Wall’ by William Quincy Belle is a mind-bender reminiscent of something that might come from the pen of M. Night Shyamalan.
F L A S H James Reed’s ‘Teeth yankin’ / the lassies / & me da’ is one of the most unique pieces I’ve ever read...ever. You’re in for a real treat.
AUTHOR PROFILE - Brad G. Garber I must be honest in saying Brad Garber is one of my favorites, as his work has and will appear on StC several times, and more importantly, he’s great at everything - tender poetry, sci-fi, humor (at UKnumb), you name it. He’s one multi-talented guy as you’ll see from his Profile.
P O E M Poems about Death are a dime a baker’s dozen. Not so ‘Dying’ by Adina Cassal, whose take on ‘the world is a stage’ is truly thought-provoking.
P O E M ‘Visiting The Truth Is An Abstraction’ by Chris Vaillancourt is a beautifully sounding, deeply honest poem of lost love.
S H O R T S T O R Y ‘Another page turner from Fred McGavran, ‘The Flipper Guy’ subtly confronts the hot button issue of immigration in a way that’s thought-provoking without being preachy.